Our Charities

farm animals

Our culture of extracting faster than our oceans, forests and wildlife can regenerate is a critical error that is leading to irreversible extinctions and accelerating global warming. Bond Guru is dedicated to using the commercial surety business for change. For every bond written Bond Guru will donate a percentage of the proceeds to non-profits that are pro-active in protecting and rewilding our forests, oceans and pollinators. Read our blog for tips services and products that can create meaningful change.

Trees and River From Above

Certified Humane

Their Mission:

To increase awareness and thereby improve the lives of farm animals throughout their cycle of life. Certified Humane is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit headquartered in Washington DC. Look for the Certified Humane® Raised & Handled logo on food products, and support those operations meeting the standards set for farm animal treatment.

Certified Humane logo
Humane Farm Animal Care Animal Numbers 2022 Chart
Certified Humane
Certified Humane
2022 Annual Report